design: 1) замысел; план Ex: far-reaching designs далеко идущие замыслы Ex: to have a design for (of) an insurrection планировать восстание Ex: to frustrate smb.'s designs сорвать чьи-л. замыслы (планы)2) ч
Several products featuring the mechanism won Japan's Good Design Award. Продукты MSI CE завоевали награду Good Design Awards в Японии.
Atebits had developed the Apple Design Award-winning Twitter client Tweetie for the Mac and iPhone. Atebits заработал награду Apple Design Awards за Твиттер-клиент Tweetie для Macintosh и iPhone.
Products offered by AGROB BUCHTAL have received the internationally renowned "red dot design" and "if product design" awards several times. Продукты AGROB BUCHTAL неоднократно удостаивались всемирно известных премий "red design awards" и „if product design awards“.
First organised in 1955, the Red Dot Design Awards have carved out a reputation on the international scene as a benchmark for design quality. Впервые проведенный в 1955 году конкурс Red Dot Design Awards завоевал непререкаемый авторитет в области дизайна.
The Apple Design Awards have been presented each year since 1996, though for the first two years of their existence they were known as the Human Interface Design Excellence (HIDE) Awards. Apple Design Awards проходит с 1996 года, хотя в течение первых двух лет это мероприятие называлось — Human Interface Design Excellence.